United Methodist Connections

A worldwide family.

The United Methodist Church is a worldwide connection of more than 12 million members in Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. Through this local, regional, and worldwide connection, church leaders and members join together in mission and ministry, accomplishing far more together than any one person could alone. Learn more.

Connections near and far….

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Subscribe to the Western North Carolina Conference e-News (sign up at the bottom of the page) and the United Methodist News Service and other UMC newsletters.

Appalachian District: appalachiandistrict.org

Western North Carolina Conference (WNCC): wnccumc.org

Southeaster Jurisdiction: sejumc.org

Denomination: umc.org

Ask the UMC: umc.org/en/who-we-are/ask-the-umc-faqs

United Methodist News: umnews.org

United Methodist Now Inspirational e-Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3VLdEYN

Our United Methodist Table Recipes: https://bit.ly/OurUnitedMethodistTable

Missions/UMCOR: umcmission.org

Volunteers in Mission: umvim.org

General Information and Resources: resourceumc.org

Giving: umcgiving.org

United Methodist Foundation of Western NC: umfwnc.org

Council of Bishops: unitedmethodistbishops.org

Upper Room: upperroom.org

Cokesbury: cokesbury.com

United Women in Faith: uwfaith.org

WNCC UWFaith: wnccumw.org

Appalachian District UWFaith: appumw.com

United Methodist Men: gcumm.org

WNCC UMMen: wnccumm.org

Appalachian District UMMen: wnccumm.org/appalachian